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Notary Public - Questions & Answers

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I need a DMV paper notarized but I can get the one person to go to the notary but I already signed it what do I do



You always need to personally appear before the notary while you sign a document AND you must have gov-issued PHOTO ID for a notarization.

If you've already signed--no problem--just sign it again in front of the notary.

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My sister went to jail in my mom's car my mom is sick can't get out of bed the tow company said that i can have my. Mom write a letter to give consent for me get car but has to notarized


what is needed to notarize a letter



In order to notarize a letter, contract, or any document for that matter, you need to meet with a commissioned notary public. Ensure to follow these steps before meeting with one:

  1. Have and present a valid form of ID. If you don't have ID, consult with a local notary to explore other ID options available to you in your jurisdiction.
  2. Do not sign your letter. Although this only applies to Jurats, where the notary must witness the signing, it's better to be safe and bring it unsigned
  3. What type of notarization do you need? You must know what type of notarization you need, as your notary cannot choose for you. The notary can explain each type, but you must decide which one to perform. If you are unsure or do not understand their explanation, you should consult a licensed attorney for guidance.

Here are two of the most common types of notarizations performed by US-based notaries:

  • Acknowledgement: This verifies your identity and confirms you acknowledge signing the letter. You present satisfactory evidence (your ID) to the notary, acknowledge the signature on your letter as has been made by you, and an official record is made in the notary's journal.
  • Jurat: This verifies your identity and your oath or affirmation regarding the document's truthfulness and completeness. You present satisfactory evidence (your ID) to the notary, swear an oath or affirmation to the document's contents, sign the letter in front of the notary, and an official record is made in the notary's journal.

If you understood the above explanations and came to a conclusion, you're good to go! Otherwise, you may need to seek legal guidance from a licensed attorney. They would be able to tell you what would be ideal for your letter.

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Trying to figure out what steps I need to take to deed my old home to my son who now lives there



I have land I live on what deed do I need to say it’s mine

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I am a 3 rd wife the other 2 are deceased. We both have homes His house is worth 300,000 mine is worth. ,50. 000.We have only been married 4 years. He has deeded the house to the step daughter. He has rented another house and he is asking me for rent.Do I have any legal rights?
