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Insurance - Questions & Answers

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The tree has big bumps, why?



Someone impregnate it

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why would a medical insurance company deny coverage?



A medical insurance company can deny coverage for several reasons, including:

  1. Pre-existing conditions: If a medical condition exists before the policy is taken, it may be excluded from the coverage.
  2. Failure to meet eligibility criteria: If the policyholder does not meet the eligibility criteria specified by the insurance company, the company may deny coverage.
  3. Non-disclosure of information: If the policyholder provides incorrect or incomplete information, the insurance company may deny coverage.
  4. Exclusions in the policy: Some policies may have specific exclusions that may lead to the denial of coverage for specific medical procedures.
  5. Policy limits: If the cost of the medical treatment exceeds the policy limits, the insurance company may deny coverage.
  6. Lack of medical necessity: If the medical treatment is not deemed medically necessary, the insurance company may not cover the cost.
  7. Inappropriate care: If the policyholder receives care that is deemed inappropriate or unnecessary, the insurance company may not cover the cost.
  8. Non-payment of premiums: If the policyholder fails to pay the premiums on time, the insurance company may deny coverage.

Overall, the denial of coverage by a medical insurance company usually results from a breach of the terms of the policy.

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Should I get flood insurance if I live in Central Florida?



It is recommended that individuals living in Central Florida consider purchasing flood insurance, as the region is prone to flooding due to its geography and the frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall, hurricanes, and storm surges. It is advisable to consult with a trusted insurance agent to determine the appropriate coverage for your specific situation....Read More

My auto/home insurance sent my drafts to the wrong bank, then put points on my record so I can't buy any other insurance, I paid an atty $200 to get my record clean.



I recommend seeking the advice of a licensed attorney in your area who can review the specifics of your case and provide guidance on your legal options....Read More

After being cancelled for putting in a claim, on my second home, I need to find a broker to help me find insurance



You may want to do some research and look for brokers in your area who specialize in property insurance. You can also get recommendations from friends or family members who have had positive experiences with insurance brokers. Additionally, you can check with your state's department of insurance to find a list of licensed insurance providers in your area. Remember to always do your own due diligence and research any insurance provider before making a decision....Read More