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General Info
Wayne County Sheriff s Office provides public safety and law enforcement services. The office maintains field operations, jail and court divisions. It also features patrol and investigation, narcotics and prostitution, child rescue and juvenile apprehension, as well as Internet crime units. Wayne County Sheriff s Office includes a training center that offers training classes on sexual harassment, assault and prevention. The office provides playground, car seat, school and bullying safety services. In addition, it offers emergency preparedness, conflict resolution and theft prevention services. Wayne County Sheriff s Office operates an Internet safety center, which conducts online investigations and performs forensic analysis of computers for police agencies throughout Wayne County, Mich. It maintains one of its locations in Westland, Mich.
Extra Phones

Phone: (734) 591-6949

Payment method
amex, cash, check, discover, master card, visa

Wayne County Sheriff Dept

Wayne County Sheriffs Office



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Phone: (734) 942-3600

Address: 3100 S Henry Ruff Rd, Westland, MI 48186


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