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Business LocationSuffolk, VA 23437
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Fitch Specialties, LLC



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Libbie B.



Excellent customer service - even 5 years past our install date, Jim is still there when we need him. Had no hot water this morning, and Jim went out of his way to come check it, found a loose wire totally unrelated to the hot water system, and got us going again. Above and beyond professionalism. Can't recommend Fitch enough.



Exceeded expectations

Tim Fitch recently replaced our broken hot water tank with a Rinnai tankless water heater. Exceptional customer service seems as though it is becoming more and more of a rarity these days, but this company delivers. Quick initial response, fast and efficient installation, extreme professionalism, thorough explanation, and a good price! They even took our broken tank away for us and provided us with information regarding a Virginia Natural Gas rebate and tax credit. I highly recommend Tim Fitch and associates. Save your time researching other companies - Fitch Specialties is definitely the way to go.


Phone: (757) 986-2840

Address: Suffolk, VA 23437

Website: website

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