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General Info
Established in 1925, Point Loma High School is affiliated with the San Diego Unified School District. It is a four-year comprehensive high school serving students in grade nine through 12. It offers courses in various subjects, such as English, sociology, history, music, political science and physical education. It also offers various vocational programs for the students. It has a financial aid staff that offers various grants, loans and institutional scholarship programs. Its athletic activities of the school include soccer, badminton, tennis, softball, volleyball, cheerleading and golf. It additionally has a library and media center that is equipped with wireless and desktop computers with Internet access provided for online research. Point Loma High School is located in San Diego.
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amex, debit, discover, master card, visa
Point Loma Heights, Western San Diego


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Phone: (619) 223-3121

Address: 2335 Chatsworth Blvd, San Diego, CA 92106


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