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General Info
THE REAL ESTATE ACADEMY HAS BEENOFFERING THE BEST AND MOST EXCITING REAL ESTATEEDUCATION COURSES FOR OVER A DECADE! OUR PROGRAM IS TOP-RATED You can learn about the current issues in New York City, overall trends in today's markets, dealing with Co-Op Boards, Internet/web technology and its applications to the Real Estate Community, and also learn some facts about what goes into the creation of a Superstar! Since 1995 Esther Muller has been working with the New YorkDepartment of State to develop, create, and approve informative, timely and interesting courses which provides the 22.5 credit hours requirement for re-licensing. She believes it is the responsibility of Real Estate professionals to take every opportunity to educate themselves and commit themselves to better serve their clients and community. The goal of the Academy is to improve the productivity and professionalism in the Real Estate community through quality courses and excellent instructors. The Real Estate seminars unite brokers, agents, and owners with developers, managers, and regulators. Her mission is to develop a partnership of cooperation, understanding and good ethics. Esther Muller has been called a revolutionary.
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Central Park, Upper Manhattan
The Academy for Continuing Education brings top practitioners together with a dynamic curriculum, raising the bar for what agents expect in continuing education. The Academy's goal is to bring together the knowledge and experience of the traditional real estate landscape with a fresh view and the magic of technology. The Academy's talented team collaborates to assure you a worthwhile learning experience with the Academy.
Graduate School of Business at Touro College New York Athletic Club Esther Muller's Consulting


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Phone: (212) 262-2662

Address: 180 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019

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