(601) 376-8785CallVisit WebsiteVisit Website
Business LocationFlorence, MS 39073
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We Prefer Quality Over Quantity. We Will FIX Your Roof Right. The First Time.

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Roof Inspections & Estimates Residential Roof Repair Commercial Roof Repair Fasteners Replacement Residential Roof Replacement Commercial Roof Replacement Residential Roof Installation Skylight Replacement Emergency Roof Repairs Roof Coatings Preventative Maintenance Gutter Clean Out Hail, Wind & Storm Roof Damage Repair
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Fax: (601) 845-5681

Leaks around door, windows, roof penetrations, A/C curbs, gutters, roofing system, etc.
Majestic Metals, Metal Builders Supply


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Chris M.



Shane does an outstanding job. He does what he says he will do, and stands by his work, a refreshing difference from many contractors I have worked with.


Phone: (601) 376-8785

Address: Florence, MS 39073

Website: https://www.roofdoctorms.com