(303) 758-2003CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections2160 S Cook StDenver, CO 80210Write a ReviewWrite Review

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Parking: Lot, Free

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes


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Provided by DexKnows
Low Student/Teacher Ratio, Highly Recommended

My 7 year old was struggling in public school for the beginning of his second grade year. With an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), he is considered to be Twice Exceptionally Gifted (2E). With some testing we discovered he had Central Auditory Processing challenges.Now 8 years old, he has attended Accelerated Schools for 2 months and is getting what he needs - help for his disability and challenged beyond what he already understands. He is completing 3rd grade studies, 4th grade math and 5th grade reading. With the daily field trips, daily report cards and the allowance system, he is engaged, motivated and is learning accountability.The staff is wonderful and more than willing to accommodate the work and curriculum to suit his needs. I never expected that we would have him attend private school, but we decided that we needed to provide him with a strong foundation, a positive school experience and increased confidence. For the one on one attention


Phone: (303) 758-2003

Address: 2160 S Cook St, Denver, CO 80210

Website: http://www.acceleratedschools.org

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