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Phone: (540) 932-0000

Address: 105C Lew Dewitt Blvd Ste C, Waynesboro, VA 22980


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The Pizza Turnaround - Oh, Yes We Did

General Info
Visit your Waynesboro Domino's Pizza today for a signature pizza or oven baked sandwich. We have coupons and specials on pizza delivery, pasta, buffalo wings, & more! Order online now! All deliveries are now contactless.Visit your Waynesboro Domino's Pizza today for a signature pizza or oven baked sandwich. We have coupons and specials on pizza delivery, pasta, buffalo wings, & more! Order online now! All deliveries are now contactless.
Payment method
all major credit cards, diners club, jcb
In Kroger Shopping Center. Next To Ups Store.
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Cuisines: Pizza

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