Wayland, KY
Business Directory

Wayland is a small town nestled in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. While it may not boast big-city amenities, it offers its residents and visitors a close-knit community and a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy plenty of hiking trails and scenic views, while history buffs will appreciate the nearby Wayland Historical Museum. When it comes to local businesses, Wayland has a handful of charming mom-and-pop shops and eateries that offer a taste of home-cooked meals and locally crafted goods. Whether you're looking to savor a comforting meal or simply unwind in a serene atmosphere, Wayland has just what you need.Show More

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  • Wayland Quick Mart
    2635 Ky Route 7Wayland, KY 41666
  • BP
    13891 Ky Route 122Hi Hat, KY 41636
  • Marathon
    9875 Highway 550 EMousie, KY 41839