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Tracy H.



My car was leaking antifreeze from the inlet hose. Owner said it was an easy fix by replace the T part that connected 3 hoses.Next day on the way home, smelled antifreeze again. Popped the hood, only to find out the part hadn't been replaced,but clamped to stop the leaking. I didn't pay 80.00 for a temporary fix from a 10.00 job. NEVER AGAIN!!

Jim S.


First Class All The Way

Found the perfect car for my Nephew, Lance,

at Billy's. Fair price, perfect first car. The staff at Billy's is very professional and forthcoming about their cars. All my questions about the car were answered and Bill, Sr. volunteered information as well. So I was confident Lance was getting the right car. When I picked up the car it was cleaned, vacuumed, and had about 1/4 tank of gas in it. We did the paperwork and I was on my way. Lance is absolutely thrilled with his new car! My Sister and her Husband are pleased with the car as well. They agree it's a great car for the money and a perfect fit for their son.

Sth J.


Always the Best from Billy's

Billy's Auto Center has always provided the best service! This father and son team are honest, hard-working guys who do anything to make their customers happy. Big Bill takes care of his customers with a caring and respecful attitude while Billy works magic behind the bay doors with all the knowledge his father taught him. This shop has been open since 2007 and they have proven over and over that this is a shop you will always rely on and return to.


Phone: (609) 726-1121

Address: 24 Route 72, Vincentown, NJ 08088


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