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General Info
Wheeling Comprehensive Treatment Center (CTC) is located in Triadelphia, West Virginia, and is a trusted source of opioid use disorder care, offering medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for adults age 18 and older. MAT incorporates outpatient counseling and medication in every adults care plan to help them achieve recovery from an opioid addiction. Wheeling CTC provides adults with a prescription for methadone, Suboxone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone. The specific medication and dosage are determined by a medical professional on the care team. Along with a prescription, Wheeling CTC provides adults with individual and group counseling to help them prepare for a future that is free from opioids.
Extra Phones

TollFree: (877) 664-1425

Phone: (304) 547-9197

Payment method
cash, check, master card, visa, amex, discover, invoicing available

Wheeling Treatment Center



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Phone: (304) 809-9865

Address: 40 Orrs Ln, Triadelphia, WV 26059


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