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General Info
For over 33 years, Piel Leather has remained the internationally recognized Leader in Naked Leather. Our high standards for quality and workmanship have allowed us to produce leather goods of exceptional distinction and durability. We feel that our customers deserve a product that is manufactured to the highest quality standards at a price you can afford. By remaining completely dedicated to our craft, we have survived as the leading manufacturer and distributor of naked leather products. Piel Leather specializes in providing quality leather products for all markets. As the pioneer of some of the finest naked leather goods available, Piel Leather is able to provide a spectrum of leather goods to suit your every need. We invite you to review our website and discover the touch, the feel, the essence of fine naked leather. If you are looking for an item that is not included in this website, please let us know ; we have the manufacturing capabilities to do any custom work. We also offer a variety of ways to personalize any Piel Leather product. Please contact us for further information.
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Fax: (562) 498-8665

TollFree: (800) 347-7435

Torrance, Northwest Torrance


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Phone: (562) 498-8822

Address: 18436 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance, CA 90504


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