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Phone: (419) 847-2036

Address: 6710 W Central Ave, Toledo, OH 43617


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Toledo's Famous Award Winning Pizza
General Info
Amie's Pizza Factory, located in Toledo, Ohio, is a beloved local pizzeria known for crafting delicious, made-from-scratch pizzas and offering a cozy, welcoming atmosphere. With a focus on fresh, high-quality ingredients and creative, customizable toppings, Amie's has become a go-to destination for pizza lovers in the area. Whether you are welcomed by myself, my family, or one of my long standing staff members, please give us a try. You will be happy you did.
BBB Rating
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BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Standards for Trust and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Group Dining, Take Out, Limited Service Restaurant, Birthday Parties, Late Night Dining, Happy Hour, Pizza Takeout, Casual Dining, Private Dining, Pizza Delivery, Wine, White Pizza, Chicken Wings, Submarine Sandwiches, Breadsticks, Appetizers, Gourmet Pizza, Sicilian Pizza, Deep Dish Pizza, Desserts, Organic Wholewheat Pizza, Pan Pizza, Hand Tossed Pizza, Thin Crust Pizza, Supreme Pizza, Calzones, Salads, Vegetarian Pizza, Pasta, Stuffed Pizza, Gluten Free Pizza Restaurants, Red Pizza, Wood Fired Pizza.
Payment method
discover, amex, visa, mastercard
Price Range
Regency Plz

Better Business Bureau

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Other Information

Take Out: Yes

Cuisines: Pizza, Take Out, Italian, Continental, Fast Food, European