(409) 359-5007CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections3100 Gulf FwyTexas City, TX 77591Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
Our qualified staff is ready to serve the entire community, and can handle all of your pre-planning for future funeral needs. We accept all burial plans, even if purchased at another funeral establishment. Carnes Funeral Home is prepared to provide services at lower than competitive prices, easing the pressure of your at time of need experience. We offer services ranging from Full Service Funerals to Direct Cremation or Transportation. The facility in Texas City includes three Chapels/State Rooms accommodating over 100 people each or one large Chapel to accommodate 400 people. At Carnes Funeral Home you will find comfortable furnishings, modern facilities, and a staff that cares about your needs.
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cremation, funerals

Carnes Funeral Home Inc

Carnes Funeral Home & Cremations

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Phone: (409) 359-5007

Address: 3100 Gulf Fwy, Texas City, TX 77591

Website: http://www.carnesfuneralhome.com

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