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General Info
Alwin Smith has been representing the rights of individuals and businesses in the NE Texas & SW Arkansas areas over 20 years - specializing in Real Estate, Business & Family Law. ASSOCIATION * Northeast Texas Bar Association * Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association * Arkansas State Bar Association * Texas State Bar Association * Texas Land Title Association
Extra Phones

Texarkana: (903) 792-0899

Phone: (903) 792-0899

Ashdown Office: (870) 898-2507

* Firm specializes in Family Law * Real Estate Law * Business Law & offers Texas & Federal Criminal Defense. * If you need help in any of these areas, contact Alwin Smith for a FREE CONSULTATION.
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discover, master card, paypal, visa

Smith Alwin Atty At law

A. Smith Alwin Attorney At Law

Alwin Smith Attys At Law

Alwin Atty Smith At Law



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Phone: (903) 792-1608

Address: 602 Pine St, Texarkana, TX 75501


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