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General Info
Located in Tampa, Fla., Florida Industrial Products is an electrical and industrial equipment distributor. The firm offers its clients a vast selection of products, including valves, gauges, fittings, hangers, pumps, rings, traps and resilient seals. In addition, it has an extensive stock of pressure relief valves, flanges, tubing, slide gates, diverter, gaskets, air vents, safety showers, repair clamps and connectors. Florida Industrial Products represents a host of vendors, such as Milwaukee, Mueller Steam, Newco, Nordstrom, Parker, Resun, Spirax Sarco, Stockham, Wardflex and Wheatland. It is a member of Affiliated Distributors (AD), North America s No.1 distributor network.
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Fax: (813) 248-3818

East Side Commercial Area, Northeast Tampa

Florida Industrial Products

Florida Industrial Products Inc



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Phone: (813) 247-5356

Address: 1602 N 39th St, Tampa, FL 33605


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