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General Info
Welcome to Perry's Automotive! We are a full service, automotive repair and maintenance shop serving the Solvay area with many years of consistent and friendly service. Our Philosophy is a simple one. We are here for one reason and one reason only... To provide your family with the needed work, done well with honesty and integrity, finished at a fair price and on time, with ALL of our work guaranteed. We are a friendly, clean and efficient shop. We understand that sometimes car repair can be stressful and we do everything possible to make our customers feel welcome, comfortable and satisfied with their service experience. At Perry's Automotive, we know how busy you are and want to help keep your vehicle in top condition. We make your service experience hassle-free. We are a full automotive service facility. Our shop offers complete air conditioning service and offer the latest in computer diagnostics. We also have quality and reliable used cars available for sale.
Auto Repair, NYS Inspections, Auto Oil Change, Air Conditioning Service, Car Parts, Auto Inspection, Front End Repair, Complete Brake Service, Major and Minor Rpair, Computer Diagnostics, Truck Repair, Automotive Detailing, Auto Parts, car repair, Nys Inspections, Transmission Service, Truck Parts, Truck Repair, Auto Repair, Auto Oil Change, Car Parts, Auto Parts, car repair, Auto Inspection, Truck Parts.
AC Delco, ACDelco, Ac Delco
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visa, mastercard, check, debit

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Phone: (315) 468-1889

Address: 1765 Milton Ave, Syracuse, NY 13209