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Bartender has a horrible attitude

My girlfriend and I go every year to the Tarragon when the festival is going on. We take a quick lap of the festival and

B line to Tarragon. We go for the extensive Martini list. We sat at the bar and was not acknowledged for awhile. Everybody there except one person had their drinks already. We were approached by a very rude bartender. We asked

for the list of martinis(the one we look at every year). He immediately spouted out the specials. We said no we would like

to see the book of drinks, quickly again he said "no we don't have one" and walked away. He continued being rude by

grabbing a book out of my hand and said "how did you get that?". The couple next to me had handed it to me from the

counter. Then he spouted the specials again, things I had no interest for, including beer. The couple also proceeded

to explain to him what I was seeking. They suggested that I complain to a manager that he was being very rude to us and

actually he had also been rude to them. I finally leaned over to the couple and said have a great afternoon and my girlfriend and I got up and left. He completely ruined a tradition we have done for the past 4 years! He is short, lacking of all his hair and talks very fast! Apparently, he is not getting any at home!


Phone: (408) 737-8003

Address: 140 S Murphy Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086

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Heritage District
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Cuisines: Family Style, Italian, American, Continental, Vegetarian, Seafood, Sandwiches, European, Healthy

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