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General Info
Founded in 1973, Stony Brook University-School of Dental Medicine offers graduate degree programs for skilled dentists. It is comprised of dental medicine and anesthesiology, oral biology and pathology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and periodontics and implantology, as well as general, hospital and children's dentistry departments. The school s general dentistry department offers classes in prosthodontics, operative dentistry, endodontics and dental materials. Stony Brook University-School of Dental Medicine also administers postgraduate programs in endodontics and orthodontics. It is accredited by the Commission on Dental Education and the State Educational Department. Stony Brook University-School of Dental Medicine is located in Stony Brook, N.Y.
Extra Phones

Phone: (631) 632-3027

Phone: (631) 632-7130

Payment method
amex, cash, check, discover, invoicing available, master card, visa
SUNY at Stony Brook


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Phone: (631) 632-8900

Address: Rockland Hall, Stony Brook, NY 11794


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