Sterling, AK
Business Directory

Sterling is a small, yet inviting community located in the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Known for its stunning natural beauty and abundant wildlife, Sterling offers a unique Alaskan experience without the hustle and bustle of larger cities. Explorers and outdoor enthusiasts will find plenty to do, from fishing in the nearby Kenai River to hiking in the picturesque Chugach Mountains. In addition to its natural attractions, Sterling is home to a variety of local businesses that cater to both residents and visitors alike. Whether you're in need of supplies for your outdoor adventures, delicious local cuisine, or a cozy place to stay, Sterling's businesses are ready to serve with authentic Alaskan hospitality.Show More

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  • Shell
    33057 Sterling HwySterling, AK 99672
  • Tesoro
    33320 Sterling HwySterling, AK 99672