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We take pride in our quality service.

General Info
King Abstract Company is the oldest and most innovative title insurance agency in Erath County. As a locally owned and operated company since 1893, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with the highest quality products in a very efficient manner. We specialize in residential and commercial customers. We offer title insurance, abstracts, and closing services. King Abstract Company is a proud agent of Alamo Title Insurance Company, Chicago Title Insurance Company, WFG National Title Insurance Company, and Fidelity National Title Insurance Company. We are also a member of the Texas Land Title Association. Call us today for your title needs!
Ranches, Closing Services, Condemned Property, We Take Pride in Our Quality Service, Deeds, Residential * Commercial * Abstracts, Full Title Services, Foreclosures, Ranches.
Commercial, Residential
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cash, check
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Phone: (866) 363-1373

Address: 157 South Graham Avenue, Stephenville, TX 76401


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