(727) 625-2644CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections7750 38th Avenue NorthSt. Petersburg, FL 33710Write a ReviewWrite Review

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Committed to Do the Best

General Info
Tyrone Record Storage in Saint Petersburg, FL serves Residential, Commercial customers.We specialize in Antiques, Boats, Documents.Our Hours of Operation are: 7 Days A Week Daily EverydayWe are proud to have the following certifications and affiliations - Best Little Store Houses in Florida.We accept the following forms of payment: Cash & Check.Emergency services are also available.
Residential Services, Pick Ups, Your one stop facility for all your storage needs. Mini storage and records storage. St. Pete's oldest-biggest-highest, intrusion alarms, electronic access, drive to your door/ Semi's welcome. Standard mini's, private and fire rated. Open 7 days. All sizrs 6 to 1250 square feet, and most complete facility. Deliveries accepted, climate controlled, seniors discount. 24 hours, RV-Boat, archived, Manufacturing rep's. All undividual units, driest, tv monitors, fax machine, week/month/year. Ceilings to 10 feet tall. all concrete and steel, pest control, Rental shelves, resident manager.
Payment method
check, cash only
Jungle Terrace

Best Little Store Houses in Florida

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Other Information

Parking: Lot, Free

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Specialties: Antiques;Boats;Documents


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Phone: (727) 625-2644

Address: 7750 38th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710

Website: http://www.tyroneministorage.com