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General Info
We come from almost 10 years' experience in home remodeling and new construction. We specialize in roofing, windows, doors, siding, and light interior remodeling. Most of our customers are very pleased to learn that we can be very competitive on our pricing and love our work. We are a design-build metal building contractor based in Shelby, Michigan. We also offer demolition work. We handle every aspect of a building project, from design and engineering to scheduling, delivery, and project supervision on every job. Our owner is hands on with every project to the finest detail. We take pride in every project down to the nail. Let our experience become your experience. Whether you need a new roof or a design-build contractor, call us today!
Aluminum windows Bay windows Bow windows Casement windows Commercial Demolition Construction Demolition Double-hung windows Fiber Cement Siding Fiberglass windows Hail Damage Home Demolition Home Remodeling Metal Roof Installation Metal Roofing Metal Siding Residential Siding Residential Windows Roof Installation Roofing Siding Installation Single-hung windows Sliding windows Standing Seam Metal Roofing Stone Veneer Siding Vinyl Siding Vinyl windows Window Installation Window Replacements Wood Siding Wood windows
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Phone: (231) 742-6194

Address: 2580 W Shelby Rd, Shelby, MI 49455


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