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A Professional Law Firm

General Info
Kenneth G. Marks was admitted to the California Bar in 1981 and has extended his practice into the area of Social Security Disability Law after working closely with a former Social Security Administrative Law Judge for his entire career. Personal injury law is another major area of practice and Mr. Marks brings his unique litigation skills to the Social Security Disability arena. He will handle an entire case, from application through appeals, and does not get paid unless he successfully gets his clients their benefits. You will receive personalized, experience legal service from Mr. Marks. He does not assign the case to a different lawyer.
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Fax: (855) 748-6470

Phone: (949) 748-6474

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debit, amex, cash, check, discover, master card, visa


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Phone: (949) 748-6470

Address: 30950 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 125, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675


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