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Proudly doing your dirty work in San Antonio for years.

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Everybody wants to help the environment, and just about all of us could use a little extra space, uncluttered by aging relics or corroded, hulking machinery. But it can be hard to know what to do with old scrap iron, batteries, radiators or a whole range of other things. National Steel Compressing is what you do with these items. At National Steel Compressing, we offer container service and we handle everything from aluminum cans to scrap iron and more! Clear out your immediate surroundings in a way thats environmentally responsible: Bring your stuff to National Steel Compressing.
Serving San Antonio Since 1946, Brass, Aluminum Recycling, Batteries, container service, Yard Waste Recycling, Commercial Recycling, Appliance Recycling, Drop Off Services, Metal Recycling, Scrap Iron, Industrial Recycling, Car Crushing, Copper, Appliance Recycling Centers, Roll-Off Container Service, And Other Metals, Aluminum Cans, Iron, Scrap Iron, Other Metals.
aluminum, brass, copper
Corner of El Paso & Coal (Just West Of Downtown) 8 Blocks South Of Bexar County Jail, near the Guadalupe Street Bridge
West Side, Avenida Guadalupe
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Specialties: Metals, Batteries, Radiators



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Phone: (210) 571-1179

Address: 726 El Paso St, San Antonio, TX 78207
