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General Info
Rapke Law Firm has over 30 years of experience. At our firm, you can be sure that your case will get the individual attention it requires because all legal matters are handled personally by David J. Rapke. We'll work around your busy schedule to provide you with the legal service that you need at a price you can afford. Call us today for more information.
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Municipal Law, Probate Law, Real Estate Municipal & Commercial Law, Municipal & Commercial Law, Real Estate Law Estate Planning Municipal Law Bank Mortgage Closing Business Formation Probate Law General Practice Adoption, Estate & Trusts, Corporate Law, Estate Planning, Free Initial Consultation, Business Formation Services, Probate Proceedings, Real Estate, Business Formation, Probate, Wills, Including Wills, General Practice of Law, Including Wills Probate Estate & Trusts, Adoption.
BBB,New York Bar Association,Oneida County Bar Association,Rome Bar Association
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In need of a law firm that cares about it's clients?

If so, call Rapke and you will be forever grateful you did.


Phone: (680) 778-3019

Address: 320 N George St, Rome, NY 13440


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