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under new management

At this time the new owners are adding a new driving range, they have worked very hard cleaning up the course.they also are making the pond on number eight bigger, they are working on the greens which are looking a lot better. fairways are being cut and cleaned up. a lot of painting of tee benches and fairway markers have been completed.also plans are to add another 9 holes.clubhouse is very nice inside with bar and kitchen. the food is very good with very fair prices and a nice menu. drinks are priced very reasonable. the dining area is very nice and has a outside deck looking over the 9th green. they have also added a 55" AND 42" HD TV" S with direct tv and surround sound.337-0929


Phone: (315) 841-3045

Address: 5217 Rome Taberg Rd, Rome, NY 13440

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