my cat is vomiting undigested food.


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I'm not a veterinarian, but there are several possible reasons why your cat may be vomiting undigested food. It could be due to eating too quickly or overeating, which can lead to regurgitation. Another possibility is hairballs, especially if your cat grooms itself excessively. Hairballs can cause irritation and vomiting in cats. Additionally, food allergies or sensitivities could be causing an upset stomach and vomiting.

If your cat is otherwise healthy and the vomiting is occasional, you could try feeding smaller, more frequent meals and using a slow feeder or food puzzle toy to help slow down eating. Additionally, regular grooming to minimize hair ingestion may help prevent hairballs.

However, if the vomiting is persistent, accompanied by other symptoms like weight loss, lethargy, or if you are concerned about your cat's health, it is essential to consult a veterinarian. They can properly diagnose the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment for your cat.

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