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We Make House Calls!

General Info
Tutor Doctor provides affordable 1-on-1 in-home tutoring for students of all ages. We are locally owned and staffed by experienced tutors who live in our community. We provide a free consultation and assessment which allows us to carefully match a tutor to your student's needs. Tutor Doctor is the in-home tutoring service that's making a difference by being different. "We Make House Calls" means our tutors come to your home on a schedule you choose, providing great convenience and lower costs. We do 1-on-1 personalized tutoring focused on student homework and their school's curriculum. We're part of a 10+ year old international network, ensuring high service standards and time-proven methods. When it comes to learning - and excelling - individual attention makes all the difference and our testimonials speak for themselves. At Tutor Doctor Portland, we offer tutoring services for nearly any age, grade or subject. We have hired hundreds of experienced tutors on our local staff, so whether you'd like to arrange a short-term program for help on a test or ongoing weekly sessions, our tutors can work around your schedule to best meet your needs.Our experienced tutors stress the importance of making learning fun to start you or your child off on the right academic track. And since we have so many, highly qualified tutors available in the Portland metro area, we're able to specialize in nearly everything, from beginning reading, speaking and math skills in elementary education, all the way up to highly advanced college and university courses. Don't settle for less when it comes to your child's education - give us a call at Tutor Doctor today for your free consultation!
In-Home Tutoring
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Math: This is our most popular enrollment subject. Call Tutor Doctor for help in nearly any math concentration including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and SAT preparation. At Tutor Doctor, we also have expert, highly qualified Science tutors. Our tutors can help you with the following science concentrations:Middle/High School Science, Environmental SciencesPhysical Sciences such as Earth Science, Physics, Chemistry Life Sciences such as Biology, Organic Chemistry. Language Arts: Our English and language arts tutors work with students not only to educate and tutor, but to create a strong rapport so that the effects of the English tutoring may be maximized. Summer Learning: Eliminate summer learning loss with tutoring as little as an hour per week! Interested in improving your overall study skills? Maybe you're just looking to sharpen your mind over the summer break from school? Tutor Doctor offers study skills tutoring and summer learning tutoring classes to help you or your students achieve their goals! Higher Learning: Tutoring isn't just for the young! Some of the most challenging coursework - where tutors can help the most - comes to adults. That's why Tutor Doctor offers top-notch tutoring services for college and advanced courses. Whether you're a college age individual looking to brush up in a certain course, or you're a bit older and have returned to the academic world, Tutor Doctor can help!
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Phone: (503) 512-0680

Address: 6312 SW Capitol Hwy # 406, Portland, OR 97239

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