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Now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year!
General Info
Champions at Ventura Park Elementary is your trusted partner at your child’s school for before- and after-school care, care on no-school days, and seasonal break care. During out-of-school hours, our dedicated team ensures a safe environment, engaging activities, and open communication, supporting your child's growth. With flexible scheduling, you can adjust your child’s schedule from week to week and register for care during school breaks including summer, winter, and spring break. Connect with us and discover the difference Champions can make for your family's childcare needs!
After-school Care Before-school Care Daily Learning Activities Healthy Snacks Homework Help Inquiry-based Learning No-school Days Care STEM Curriculum School Age Care Seasonal Break Care Self-guided Learning Self-regulation Skills Social-emotional Learning Spring Break Care Summer Break Care Summer Camp Winter Break Care
Champions, KinderCare® Learning Centers
Hazelwood, East Portland
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Phone: (503) 252-2098

Address: 145 SE 117th Ave, Portland, OR 97216


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