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General Info
Alma Spikes Elementary School, located in Pocahontas, Ark., enrolls more than 380 students, and offers classes for grades kindergarten through two. It is governed by the Pocahontas School District, which is a part of the Arkansas Public School Computer Network. The school provides a variety of educational and extracurricular programs, and offers a detailed study of various subjects, including mathematics, English, science, social studies, music, and arts and crafts. It offers various sport and extracurricular programs, and group activities. Alma Spikes Elementary School provides a wide range of after school programs that include homework help and guidance services. The school additional services include daily meals and transportation facility.
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Fax: (870) 892-8857

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visa, amex, cash, check, debit, discover, master card

Pocahontas Elementary School

Pocahontas Jr High School



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Phone: (870) 892-4573

Address: 2300 N Park St, Pocahontas, AR 72455


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