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The Journey Starts Here

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SPECIALITIES If you or a loved one is in desperate need of addiction services, chances are you are feeling overwhelmed. That's where we come in. At Zim's Recovery Resources, we offer complete concierge services for recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. We work with an exclusive network of: • Interventionists • Detox • Rehab • Treatment centers • Sober living homes We're experts at finding treatment options that accept your medical insurance. If you are uninsured, we have treatment options for you, as well. NEVER A FEE FOR OUR SERVICES. HISTORY: Mother and son, Lisa and Jay Zimmerman know only too well, addiction takes a devastating toll on both the addict and the family. Jay struggled with addiction for many years before finding sobriety and freedom after experiencing rehab treatment. That's why; the Zimmerman's created Zim's Recovery Resources. Zim's is dedicated to providing compassionate support to addicts and their families by offering them guidance and connections to the most effective treatment programs in the country. MEET THE BUSINESS OWNER: "As an addict, who struggled with addiction for over ten years, I have been in and out of detox, rehab, sober living, and ultimately jail. I truly thought that this is how I would die. Turns out, God had other plans for me. He gave me one last chance to confront my addictions. I took the opportunity with open arms and surrendered. I am living proof there is a way out, and I've dedicated my life to giving back to others what was so freely given to me." --Jay Zimmerman, C.O.O. "Watching my son, Jay, struggle with addiction was the greatest pain I have ever endured. I am thankful for all the people who helped us along the way. Although, we could never repay the kindness, we started Zim's to "give back" some of the love and support given to our family. We've been there and we're here to help." Lisa Zimmerman, C.E.O.
CORPORATE OFFICE 5828 N. 7th St. Phoenix, AZ 85014


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Phone: (602) 803-0333

Address: 5828 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85014


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