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General Info
AAA CREDIT BUREAUAAA Credit Bureau has been providing credit, criminal and eviction reports for landlords since 1990. We offer two types of reports: basic credit information with a credit score or a full report which includes the credit information and score plus eviction, criminal, sexual predator/violent offender and other searches. A UNIQUE & COMPETIVELY PRICED SERVICE: Because of our unique way of doing business we deal mostly with landlords who have access to fax machines or email. We know that our customers appreciate a little guidance in trying to determine if the credit report information is good or not so good, so we fax or email the reports then call and discuss the information. We are not aware of any other company that provides this service. If you have questions call 1-800-576-1111, or email [email protected] and a customer service representative will be happy to help you. If you're ready to proceed, download the membership forms and FAX or EMAIL them along with the documents mentioned in SETTING UP AN ACCOUNT and we'll set up your account upon receipt. If you already have an applicant to process, send the rental application along with your membership forms and, if you get them in by noon, we should be able to open your account and get the reports to you the same day.
We offer two types of reports: basic credit information with a credit score or a full report which includes the credit information and score plus eviction, criminal, sexual predator, violent offender and other searches.
Experian, TransUnion
Payment method
mastercard, amex, check, discover, invoicing available, visa
Other Email

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Specialties: Credit Reporting Bureau;



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Keith A.



I just recently got married and also accepted into park university. I was trying to get my life together hence 6 years eviction showing on my credit and rental report wouldn’t let no one even rent to me. However, a colleague recommended me to a Credit Specialist so I contacted them. Within 3 weeks they deleted the eviction and raised my scores to 792. I rented the house and gave my new wife and I a good home to live in. f i x m y c r e d i t AT w r i t e m e DOT c o m. Great experience.

Emily K.



I'm a retired veteran and purchasing a home has always been my dream. I usually do not qualify after a credit check so I needed credit repair help. A few weeks ago I ran into a specialist when I was surfing the net for a private contractor that can help. After a couple of weeks I noticed they have already cleared all inquiries including my taxes. What they propose is what I got. I am very happy with my current credit score. plus one, six one nine six three zero nine zero eight five.


Phone: (844) 775-4536

Address: 107 W Wade Ln Ste 6, Payson, AZ 85541
