(419) 693-0676CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections2815 Dustin RdOregon, OH 43616Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
It is the goal of East Point Physical Therapy to provide our patients with the best experience in physical therapy and to achieve the highest outcomes for its patients.We provide an open environment with great care given to personalize the physical therapy experience. We also utilize the value of community and fellowship for its unique ability to create an environment for healing.We utilize a comprehensive team approach of Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, and support staff. Our staff works hard to find the best approach for those in need of physical therapy. We work with all physicians, and most insurance providers.Call us today to schedule an appointment!
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Home Repair, Home Remodeling Contractor, Home Remodeling, Kitchens & Bathrooms, Home Repair, Home Remodeling Contractor, Sunrooms, Home Remodeling, Kitchens & Bathrooms.
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2815 Dustin Rd., Suite B, Oregon, OH 43616
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Katie S.



Had a shoulder problem and needed PT. Couldn't get local hospital to call me back to set up appt. Found East Point on the internet. They got me in on the same day! A PT plan was set up and away I went. My team was exceptional. They helped me tremendously and in no time, my shoulder was great. Thanks guys and gals.


Phone: (419) 693-0676

Address: 2815 Dustin Rd, Oregon, OH 43616

Website: http://www.eastpointpt.com