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General Info
Founded in 1934, Central Radio Company, also known as CRCI, is engaged in the installation, maintenance, repair and overhaul of marine and industrial electrical and electronic equipment. The company has installed and refurbished antennas of various types and determined the impedance, insertion loss and voltage standing wave ratio of transmission lines, waveguides and antennas. It provides the Optical Time Domain Reflectometer for the testing and evaluation of systems. Central Radio Company offers wireless communication equipment, such as portables, mobiles, base stations and repeaters for trade shows, meetings and conventions on a rental basis. It serves clients in the military and commercial industries.
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Fax: (757) 489-7416

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Central Radio Company

Central Radio Company Inc



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Phone: (757) 489-7251

Address: 1083 W 39th St, Norfolk, VA 23508


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