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Primary: Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN)

Sub-Specialty: Gynecology

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General Info
I provide gynecologic care for women who are being treated for cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering and manage the gynecologic complications caused by their cancer treatment. In addition to care for acute gynecologic problems during cancer treatment and cancer screening, I manage hormone replacement for young cancer survivors with ovarian failure, menopausal symptoms related to cancer treatment in women of all ages, vulvovaginal graft-versus-host disease after stem cell transplant, and many other cancer-related issued. I am trained in both gynecology and clinical genetics and can provide expertise in both these areas to our patients who are at hereditary risk for developing gynecologic malignancies.
Between 67th and 68th Streets
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Phone: (347) 971-4015

Address: 300 East 66th Street Floors 1 - 4, New York, NY 10065


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