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The Skin Institute of New Orleans offers a full line of dermatology services, including medical skin care, custom-tailored facial rejuvenation with injectables, and the latest cosmetic skin care procedures to maintain a healthy and youthful looking complexion.
Plastic Surgery, Pediatrics, Birthmark Removal, IPL, Body Contouring, Allergy Testing, Biopsies, Cellulite Reduction, Sclerotherapy, Collagen Treatments, Osteopathic Dermatology, Hairline Reconstruction, Light Therapy, Telemedicine, Mohs Surgery, Psoriasis Treatments, Acne Treatments, Office Surgery, Ultraviolet Light Therapy, Complementary Medicine, Tattoo Removal, Botox Treatments, Black Dermatology Skin Care, Skin Rejuvenation, Cancer Screening, Facial Plastic Surgery, Vein Treatments, Mole Removal, Skin Cancer Treatment, Cryosurgery, Tumescent Liposuction, Mesotherapy, Herpes, Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, Face Lifts, Neck Lifts, Laser Surgery, Dermabrasion, Liposuction, Warts, Alopecia, Geriatric Dermatology, Collagen Injections, Cosmetic Dermatology, Dermapathology, Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, Ear & Earlobe Refinement.
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Central City - Garden, Milan
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Phone: (504) 899-7159

Address: 3627 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70115
