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Inspiring America to Rediscover Gold!

General Info
Swiss America was established in 1982 with one main goal... To assist you in planning a portfolio of U.S. rare coins and precious metals this will help you to preserve your wealth. The keys to success in U.S. rare coins and precious metals include; knowledge, timing, quality product and the selection of a well established, financially sound and reputable firm. Whether you are an investor, collector, or financial planner, I am confident that you will find Swiss America to be unique in its depth of expertise and range of services. We look forward to serving you!
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TollFree: (866) 329-7340

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mastercard, amex, discover, visa
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Swiss America Trading Corp is in no way a corp to buy coins from they took a 30,000 dollar commission and sold coins 6 times higher then any other gold coin seller lie after lie they told with dubus sales man Steve Moust and complaint after complaint they have against them along with a million dollar law suite against them look at the face of Craig Smith it says it all. to THE ELDERLY AND ALL OTHERS BUYER BEWARE OF SATC a really bummer look for an upcoming exposure, exposure them for what they are.




I had been thinking about investing in gold for a while, but kept getting cold feet when it came to making the investment because of the stories I'd heard about people getting taken advantage of, and thinking that maybe gold had hit its peak. When I called, there was very little pressure. It was about educating me to the advantages and disadvantages of investing in gold and precious metals. I clicked through to their website and got a lot of good info, and then they sent me a packet of information that had some really good, educational information about investing in precious metals. After doing some research, I finally made the decision to buy some gold, and I've been very happy. If you're looking to invest in gold, give Swiss America a call.


Phone: (602) 788-4653


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