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Homeowners in Phoenix depend on Sears Home Services as their top appliance repair provider with same-day and next-day service appointments available in many areas. Phoenix anchors a sprawling, metropolitan area known for spa resorts, golf courses and vibrant nightclubs. Donâ??t miss a day of fun and excitement in this city waiting for appliance repair. Our local techs have the experience and skills to repair your appliances quickly and reliably. We repair all types of appliances including refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, washers and dryers. Our technicians have earned over 1.3 million 5-star reviews nationwide for excellent customer service. Trust us with all of your appliance repair needs. Weâ??ll get your repair done right â?? every time.

Sears Appliance Repair



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Phone: (480) 744-0236

Website: website

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