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With over 60 years of experience in the service industry, Sears Home Services in Watertown, Connecticut is your best resource for appliance repair when problems occur. We have same-day and next-day repair appointments available so we can fix things fast and your can resume your daily life in Watertown. Our local technicians are factory-trained to repair all brands and types of appliances including Frigidaire, LG, Samsung, GE and Kenmore washers, dryers, fridges, stoves and dishwashers â?? no matter where you bought your products. Our reputation for excellence speaks for itself with our techs earning over 1.3 million 5-star reviews across the country. When you need appliance repair, schedule service with Sears Appliance Repair in Watertown.
Ten Acre Mall

Sears Appliance Repair



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Phone: (860) 631-3679

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