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At Applied Telephone Technology Inc. we have sold and serviced many different brands of telephone systems. We have found that the NEC UX5000 is one of the most cost effective telephone systems to purchase, install and maintain for our customers. The NEC UX5000 has a five-year factory warranty on parts, a one-year warranty on professional service. There are also maintenance agreements available to cover warranty issues for the next four years. UX5000 from NEC allows you to converge your voice and data network and enjoy the many advantages of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) while enjoying the hundreds of features you've come to expect from traditional digital/analog switching. UX5000 lets your organization benefit from the potential cost-saving advantages of IP even if you're not ready to migrate to 100% IP telephony immediately. That's because Aspire gives you a choice: you can deploy traditional circuit-switched technology, VoIP or a combination, all from one system! You have the freedom to adopt VoIP when and where you need it. Aspire provides peer-to-peer IP switching. Peer-to-peer switching means that the stations participating in the call are connected directly to each other through the IP network. The signals travel through the IP network but do not "go through" the switch as they do in traditional telephony.
Wiring of new offices and relocating of existing telephone systems is our specialty. With over 85 years of combined experience among our top-level tech's, we make sure your installation is up to code and installed professionally. We feel that if you have a great telephone system with a great install your telephone system will cost less to maintain over the life expectancy of your system. All of our techs are factory certified on hardware, software, programming, and all levels of wiring. Also due to the technology industry changing on a daily basis all of our techs attend regular classes to maintain a high level of certification. Whether your network serves 10 or 100, or more employees, you need a communications installation that delivers business value and can evolve as your company evolves -- without sacrificing current technology investments. We have the experience to get it done right the first time. We take the time to understand what goes where before we start, thus reducing adds, moves, and changes to your system before the installation is complete. Service after the install counts, this is where Applied Telephone Technology has earned its reputation. With 24 hour 365 day response to emergencies, out of service call response within three hours, and twenty-four hour turn around on most services requested. We strive to make all of your experiences with Applied Telephone Technology Inc. positive and satisfactory.
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Phone: (303) 935-0099