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Addiction is a disease. Recovery is a choice.

General Info
Addiction can be terrifying. If you or someone that you care about has been struggling with a substance use disorder, then you are well aware of the devastating impact that this insidious disease can have on virtually all aspects of life. You know all about the sleepless nights, the despair-filled days, and the pervasive fear that, just when you think it cannot get any worse, it will. What you may not realize, though, is that it does not have to be this way. Life can get better. Help is available, treatment works, and a more promising future, free from the scourge of addiction, may be much closer than you have ever dared to dream. At Addiction Recovery Choice, we have two simple goals: to empower you with education, and to connect you with the professionals who have the solutions that you have been searching for. On this site, you can get the answers that you need in order to make the most informed decisions for yourself or your loved one. From understanding basic facts about specific substances to identifying the program that best meets your unique needs, your path out of the darkness of addiction and into the bright promise of a healthier tomorrow can start here.
Detoxification, Inpatient Treatment, Residential Treatment, Partial Hospitalization Programs, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Traditional Outpatient Services, Sober Living Homes, Support Groups, Individual and Family Therapy
Most Major Insurance Accepted
Carf Accredited, National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, The Jason Foundation, The Joint Commission


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Patricia L.



This Christian 12-Step Drug, Alcohol and Gambling Recovery Support Group is there for both those in recovery and family. One-on-one Recovery Coach and Sponsors are also ready to help you. Thank you for not only providing this resource in the Alton area but also networking with other Celebrate Recovery location throughout the Metro-East.


Phone: (800) 915-6781

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