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General Info
Welcome to Shamsnia Neurology LLC, your trusted destination for expert neurological care in Metairie, LA. As dedicated neurologists, we specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of brain and nervous system disorders. From common conditions like migraines and strokes to more complex issues such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and sleep disorders like narcolepsy, we are here to provide comprehensive and compassionate care tailored to your unique needs. We specialize in 3T MRI's. We offer our Elite 3Tesla (3T/3D) MRI/DTI at our Center. We are the first and only in the Southeast to offer Elite 3Tesla (3T/3D) MRI/DTI's. Emeritus Prof.of Neurology.Tulane University MD, FAAN,FAASM,FAANEM,Adjunct Professor HolyCross Uni.
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Phone: (504) 318-2342

Address: 2909 Kingman St #2, Metairie, LA 70006
