Serving the Clergy, Religious and Laity since 1930
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We can furnish a Sanctuary and Church with Altar Linens, Chalices, Ciboriums, Candles, Candlesticks, Candle Lighters, Baptismal Fonts Censers Banners Lecterns Pulpits Chairs Votive Stands Tabernacles Monstrances Altar Bread Offering Boxes Holy Water Fonts Prie Dieux Votive Stands Processional Crosses Statuary and the Altar itself. We can also outfit a priest in elegant Vestments Clergy Shirts and Shirtfronts and dress up the choir.
We offer a wide variety of religious gift items. We can furnish a Sanctuary and Church with everything from Altar Linens, to Lecterns to Holy Water Fonts to the Altar itself. We can also outfit a priest and dress up a choir.
J. Prestes & Company Inc. A fifth generation family business started in 1930.