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General Info
As an attorney who was born and raised in Macon, Ms. Kaplan knows the community, the people and their values. She is devoted to her clients and seeks the best resolution possible for them, as well as making a positive impact on people’s lives. Ms. Kaplan’s practice is focused exclusively on family law, so she has knowledge of the dynamics and intricacies of your case. In having her handle your case, you gain her knowledge and experience.
BBB Rating
BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Extra Phones

Fax: (478) 746-5748

Phone: (478) 745-1955

Payment method
amex, cash, check, discover, master card, visa

Lise S. Kaplan, LLC

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Phone: (478) 207-5124

Address: 1900 Northside Xing Ste C, Macon, GA 31210


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