(478) 745-5415CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections544 Mulberry StMacon, GA 31201Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
The Law Office of Emmett L Goodman Jr. LLC is a full service legal team with over 75 years of experience specializing in Social Security Disability, Real Estate Foreclosures, Bankruptcy Law, Personal Injury Law, Consumer Collections and Commercial Collections. We service clients from across the state of Georgia. We are here to serve and help you with all your business and personal affairs. We take pride in our speedy response and high level of client services. Please contact us for an initial consultation.
BBB Rating
BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
The Law Office of Emmett L Goodman Jr. LLC is a full service legal team with 75 years of experience specializing in Social Security Disability, Real Estate Foreclosures, and Bankruptcy Law, Personal Injury Law, Consumer Collections, and Commercial Collections. We service clients from across the State of Georgia. We are here to serve and help you with all your business and personal affairs. We take pride in our speedy response and high level of client services. Please contact us for an initial consultation.
Payment method
debit, check, cash, all major credit cards
We are located in the American Federal Building.
State Bar of Georgia Association Macon Bar Association American Bar Association Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, The Association of Trial Lawyers, Commercial Law League of America, National Organization of Social Security Claimants, Representatives National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys


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Anthony G.



He the best lawyer I know to help people's get SSI STARTED

Teresa S.



Mr. Goodman represented me well and won my case!!! He was understanding, compassionate, upfront, knowledgeable, easy to communicate with, always kept me updated on my case, and most of all, fought and won my case for me. I would recommend him to anyone!


Phone: (478) 745-5415

Address: 544 Mulberry St, Macon, GA 31201

Website: http://www.goodmanlaw.org

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