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General Info
Although some Sears stores may have closed, we still have appliance repair technicians in and around Lynchburg. Call or click to schedule your repair appointment. Ask about same day/next day availability. We come to you! No need to leave your home. Sears Home Services is the leading appliance repair service in the nation. Trusted for generations and proudly serving your neighborhood, our local techs will repair your appliances no matter where you bought them. We repair most major brands, makes, and models of water heaters, washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, ranges, ovens, cooktops, even riding lawn mowers. We're in your neighborhood, even if a Sears store isn't. Call or visit our website today.

Sears Appliance Repair



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Phone: (434) 219-5016

Address: 2312 Wards Rd, Lynchburg, VA 24502


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