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Movers 201 is family owned & operated, bergen county, hudson county, new jersey top moving company, offer the highest standards in the moving industry, running the company like an elite unit in the armed forces with superior training and utmost respect provided to each member of the Movers 201 team. Amir has well over 10 years experience in the industry with duties including those as mover, foreman, on-site estimator, relocation consultant, project and company manager. He has successfully managed small and large projects including the relocation of schools, malls, hospitals, industrial facilities, entire residential buildings, and thousands of homes, apartments, and offices. His quick solution to any unique situation and personal attention to each detail of your move will allow you to relax with the assurance your belongings are in good hands, new jersey moving compny, bergen county top moving company


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Phone: (201) 807-0800

Address: 215 Gates Rd, Little Ferry, NJ 07643


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