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Phone: (609) 599-1632

Phone: (609) 497-3444

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Accurate Roofing & Siding Unlimited Inc

Accurate Roofing and Siding Inc

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Bertha M.



Our new roof looks super and we've received comments from neighborhood friends and family alike.

The work, from the estimate to the finish was professional yet comfortable. Your team of workers were prompt and very competent down to the last clean-up which we really appreciate.

Thanks again for an all around pleasant business experience.

Verna A.



Dear Tom,

We have had numerous compliments about the appearance and the very obvious quality workmanship. There were a number of interesting challenges with tying in the circa 1820 main house with the addition, and the roofing application and installation really bring things together in fine fashion. Also, the detail of the copper chimney flashings provides the right touch of elegance.

Your work crews did an outstanding job of protecting shrubbery and "house parts" during the removal and installation process, and the area afterwards was cleaned up very well including the interesting "nail picker upper" magnet use.

Thanks again for a great job!.


Phone: (609) 599-1640

Address: 220 Lawrence Rd, Lawrence Township, NJ 08648


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